
Around the world in 20 months!

Can't resist posting this amazing piece of news. Avijit Chakraborthy is on

A journey on a bicycle of about 64,000 km (40,000 miles) across 62 countries in 20 months...

He started off on March 2005 and hopes to finish by November 2006. As of May 2006, he had already completed 41,250 km across 36 countries. Learn more here.

In case you didn't get it, that's an amazing average of 107 kilometers a day over a 20 month period. He is married and has a kid too! If he succeeds, he will have a guinness record to boot! Way to go, Avijit - and all the best to you...

(Last Thought - 1) : Shree, what the heck are you doing in office ?
(Last Thought) : Records are made to be broken 😉

Comments (7) Trackbacks (4)
  1. Great.. checked his homepage.

    Shree- shouldnt heading be “Around the world in 20 months!”

  2. Kirk : Right – corrected.

    I am still confused about why I make this mistake time and again. Surely, I don’t want to do it in 20 weeks 😉

  3. Dear shree
    Congratulation 4 being in a good sports! this is the best kind
    also according to me. and specially thanks for putting-up your Travel-story, as hopefully it will inspire many. as far about me; let me come 2 the point.
    i, a woman of 32, is planing 2 go 4 a countrywide cycle tour
    after i year. so hoping 4 some advice on how 2 prepare and how many &
    what kind of problems I should be ready to face (according 2 you).
    U can skip this part if running short of time. in case it would be easier to advise if the background is given a bit.

    started cycling when i was 18, still do it on the way to work/ shopping/ seeing friends etc. Enjoy it very much but hasn’t gone for long rides since long. The most I’ve covered in one day is km. with some difficulty (still,enjoyed) and had calf muscle aching the whole next day (surely it was because of less practice, & can be overcome). distance of
    – is no problem (except when i,m down with some illness).
    My health is average,got a small but sturdy frame (i won’t call myself elegant/ fragile at all in the general feminine way. Had been an medium grade athlete in school & collage days.will be going back to practice shortly, 2 build up stamina.
    Married (without kids).
    thats all for now. after getting reply,can give list of my plans 4 prep. if U think that will be easier way 4 U to suggest upon.
    Thanks a lot 4 sparing time, if U have reached so far, but don’t trouble to reply in case U think mine is a ‘crazy idea &/ should better drop it’ .
    with best wishes 4 life,
    Sushobhita (in your testimony ,saw the word ‘helpful’ hope that’s true ha-ha!)

  4. Need help to realize my dream, hope wont mind much for bothering! I culdn’t make out how 2 send a mail, so used this ‘comment’ area. just after posting 2minuts ago, noticed some mistakes in it
    I’m planing 2 start 4 the trip after 1year (by mistake I had written -‘ i ‘ year).
    (so i was naturally V. happy 2 read that U generally plan Ur cycle-trips A year ahead!
    though U seem to B much younger than me, experience wise, i can surely look up 2 U)
    about my covered distance in one day i had left some blanks & forgot 2 fill them up. 10 years back, I use to 20 Km. up & down with ease. the only long trip I mentioned about was 95 Km., in a group, it had taken whole day ( obviously with some brakes & including crossing a sandy river-bed dragging our cycles , along with about 20miter stretch of knee deep water.
    by, i’ll be hoping 4 a reply in my e-mail add. within 1 weak, do write a line or 2 at least if U’ll be very busy. thanks & regards

  5. Dear shree
    Congratulation 4 being in a good sports! this is the best kind
    also according to me. and specially thanks for putting-up your Travel-story, as hopefully it will inspire many. as far about me; let me come 2 the point.
    i, a woman of 32, is planing 2 go 4 a countrywide cycle tour
    after i year. so hoping 4 some advice on how 2 prepare and how many &
    what kind of problems I should be ready to face (according 2 you).
    U can skip this part if running short of time. in case it would be easier to advise if the background is given a bit.

    started cycling when i was 18, still do it on the way to work/ shopping/ seeing friends etc. Enjoy it very much but hasn’t gone for long rides since long. The most I’ve covered in one day is km. with some difficulty (still,enjoyed) and had calf muscle aching the whole next day (surely it was because of less practice, & can be overcome). distance of
    – is no problem (except when i,m down with some illness).
    My health is average,got a small but sturdy frame (i won’t call myself elegant/ fragile at all in the general feminine way. Had been an medium grade athlete in school & collage days.will be going back to practice shortly, 2 build up stamina.
    Married (without kids).
    thats all for now. after getting reply,can give list of my plans 4 prep. if U think that will be easier way 4 U to suggest upon.
    Thanks a lot 4 sparing time, if U have reached so far, but don’t take trouble to reply in case U think mine is a ‘crazy idea &/ should better drop it’ .
    with best wishes 4 life,
    Sushobhita (in your testimony ,saw the word ‘helpful’ hope that’s true ha-ha!)

  6. Hi shree just wondering if you travelled aroud australia in the early 80’s we had a young man stay with us and wondering whether you were him…cheers gaz

  7. Hi Gary,

    I can’t be the man – I’ve been into adventures only since 2002 or so. Besides, I was born in the late 70s 🙂

    Anyway, nice to hear from you!

    — Shree

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