
Tour of the North-East

I have been waiting for a few months to write this post!

We are going on a tour of the North-Eastern states & Bhutan. Did I say, "we" ? My friend Krishnaprasad (KP) will be coming along. So I have some company at-last! The tour starts the day after tomorrow from Agartala. It will be a 23 day journey over fantastic landscapes & unknown places (to us, atleast!)
For more details about the trip, follow the Overview Page.


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  1. The design of the overview page has been made very good

    Best of luck to you both for your journey. Will try to join you in your next adventure.

  2. I am sure you must have enjoyed your travel through North Eastern India even though you may have had to put in a lot of effort . Did you do any solo cycling covering such a long distance before ? Its difficult to find people who is adventurous as you .

  3. Hello Shreekumar,

    ‘Mind blowing’…is probably the ONLY word (though throughly undertstated!!!) that comes to my mind.

    Lemme introduce myself…I work in the HR team in RObert Bosch India in Bangalore. I am currently on deputation to Germany (Stuttgart) from April 2006 till April 2008.

    Heard about you yesterday from my colleague here in RBIN, Belmeera. We have formed a small Cycling Enthusiasts and we cycle every weekend. I was seriously looking for such an association once I am back in Bangalore in April 2008 and that is when Belmeera mentioned about You.

    Honestly, ”Too Good to be True”…If You are doing all that You are doing in a place like Germany, probably People will not appreciate it soo much, as the infrastructure available here is that good…but if You are doing this in India…IT’s JUST TOO GOOD.

    Will try to catchup with you when I come on a short visit to Bangalore in Sept. but if not possible, surely in April 2008, we will meet and would love to get associated with you in the Cycling trips.

    In the meantime, ‘ALL THE BEST’ for your Cycling expeditions that You are planning in Dec.


  4. Hi Sampat,

    Thanks for all the compliments and well wishes.

    Honestly, it’s not all that difficult. I took about 3 months to completely get used to the traffic and environmental conditions (that was way back in 2002).

    I am quite happy to know that an increasing number of people intend to cycle – and that can mean only one thing — better living 🙂

    We’ll meet in April 2008 🙂

    — Shree

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